

(Last edited: Thursday, 7 November 2019, 1:09 PM)

Global Search (of all the Modules you are enrolled on) is available as a box at the top of every page. Searches can use Boolean expressions such as AND OR NOT. If you are using a mobile device you need to go into the Dashboard, which is available at the top left with the three parallel lines symbol for the Menu.

So for example:

1. "Gloves" will give you three pages of results.
2. "Gloves AND clothing" will do an ANDed search that returns only results that mentions both search terms.
3. "Gloves OR clothing" returns all the terms with Gloves OR clothing; quite a few. This is the same as using "Gloves clothing" as the search term.
4. "Gloves NOT clothing" will return those files that contain the word Gloves but not clothing.

Do not enter the " symbol for your search.

The search can be further limited by using the drop down "Filter" where you can select that only Titles, Files or a specific Module can selected. Global Search will only return results back for which you have been enrolled so there is no chance of a "plot spoiler".

You can improve your search using any of the following search query features:

1. Specifying the field to be searched by prefixing the search query with 'title:', 'content:', 'name:', or 'intro:' e.g.'title:news' returns results with the word 'news' in the title

2. Boolean operators ('AND', 'OR', 'NOT') to combine or exclude keywords

3.  Wildcard characters ('*' or '?' ) to represent characters in the search query

4. Proximity searches ('~') e.g. mood~2 returns "moodle" (2 letters away from "mood"), Moodle Australia~3 returns results containing "Moodle HQ in Perth, Australia" (the queried terms were within 3 words of each other)

5. Boosting terms ('^') to boost certain words or phrases e.g. "Perth Australia"^5 "Australia" will return results with the phrase "Perth Australia" as more relevant.

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