Topic outline
Solomon is a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) established by the United Grand Lodge of England. It has a number of different modules which you need to enroll on before you can view or download the material. This is so you can customise what you can view, to fit in with where you are on your masonic journey.
So, if you are a Fellowcraft you would not enroll in the ‘The Third Degree’, for example. Solomon is a platform for delivering individual learning, and for sharing material in a Lodge or Chapter. It is not a website, but rather uses web technology, and is better viewed as a system. You require a user id and password to authenticate you as a user, so it can recognise you. It does not authenticate you as a Freemason.
The system is set up in such a way that a user will only see material that is included in the modules to which they have registered, for example by using Tags or Search. Please read the FAQs (below) to get a better idea of how to use the system effectively. We hope you enjoy this facility. -
Use the following links to jump to a different module. You can use the "My Modules" at the top left-hand side of the screen, but this facility will allow you to jump to modules you are not enrolled in. Search and Tag facilities only work on modules that you are enrolled on (these appear in the "My Modules" menu at the top of the screen). To enrol, don't forget to scroll down and press the "Enrol me" button to enter the module.
Solomon was launched with over 400 items spanning a range of subject areas and levels of detail. The Programme Team are at the beginning of a medium to long term process to increase the range and type of material. Our next step is to identify and prioritise the material required to fill obvious gaps and to meet needs and wants. Many Solomon users will wish to make comment and suggest developments. Others will be eager to provide material to enhance and develop its content.
We are in the process of publishing our commissioning process and a development ‘wish-list’. We hope that this will lead to offers to produce or submit material to ‘fill the gaps’. The process of submitting material will be explained in more detail in due course but authors and contributors will be asked to prepare and format their material to a common standard.